Part 4: The Physicality of Tension – practical applications

This article provides additional applications in day to day life, from the lessons of physicality in earlier posts, and the applications already mentioned. Our relationship to ourselves – For this example, I turn to knitting. I am a new knitter, on my third project. Apparently I felt pretty confident this time, casting on my initial stitches…

Part 3, The Physicality of Tension: Tension as information

In previous blog posts in this series, I explored lessons from the push-pull inherent in tension and lessons from receiving tension as a meeting and an agreement. In this blog post, I explore applications to our day to day life, including our relationship to others and ourselves. Below the level of words, push-pull simply “is.” …

Lessons from the physicality of Tension

What is physicality anyway? When you sink into the experience of being at the level of your body, you can notice information at a purely physical level. It means going below the level of words, and simply noticing the physics and sensations of what is happening in a situation. For example, if I’m crying, I…

Visualizing emotional data

Another class at RISD that left a deep imprint was a class in Data Visualization. Suddenly, my mind had to think like Tetris: in shapes and the relationship between one shape and another (a great reminder that information has a shape!). I loved how the class challenged the established synaptic norms in my mind. One…

Intersections of Play and Safety: Part 3 of 3

In my previous blog post, I wrote about how the desire for safety comes up as natural part of the process of play. As an individual, do you have a regular practice and space that provides unconditional safety to explore your fears and limitations? With assistance and practice, you can begin learning how to name…

Intersecting Roles of Play and Safety: Part 2 of 3

In my last blog post, I began discussing the impact play has on our learning and growth. So yay Play right? Why don’t we all do more of it? Turns out play collides with our sense of safety. Safety. I was reminded recently how closely Play and Safety are linked when thinking about how we raise…

Intersecting roles of Play and Safety, Part 1 of 3

I participated in an improvisational game recently, one new to me. In it, I’m on a mat standing with other humans. The instruction is to walk or run in a straight line in any direction whenever we want, and stop when and where we want. This is a silent exercise. At first, I use it…

Engagement, Community, and Movement

This post explores the intersections of engagement, community and movement. In February, I participated in a drop-in class of  InterPlay, one of the three modalities I am exploring on my sabbatical.  When I attended the class, in its headquarters in Oakland, CA, I was still honing in on the essence of my research questions so I…

Incorporating Movement to support Human Capital

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”  — Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind I am in the beginning of this learning so its all about the art of the possible at this stage. This post looks at applying movement-based approaches to address human capital issues. In looking at a…

The Body as a Lens for Accelerated Communication

The focus of my curiosity right now is on body-based approaches for accelerated communication in a group and group problem solving. Some colleagues asked last night: what does body-based mean? Embodiment seems to be establishing itself as a field, albeit fledgling and rapidly evolving. There is no one website  I can link you to. Using the…